Monotypes and Drawings

 The monotypes and drawings give me more freedom than complex paintings. A monotype or drawing holds the same importance as a painting, an assemblage, or an installation. I choose the medium depending on the message or feeling I want to express.
I make the monotypes in series with several subjets such as Cosmographie (the relation between art and astronomy), Bibliothèque d'un amateur (relation between text and image), Pigeonier à conserver (reseach about architecture) and free subjects.
The monotypes are for sale on Artmajeur.

Einstein Project #04,  Mixed technique monotype,  65 x 40 cm

Body Soul Sex Strong Mind Weak, multi colour monotype, 65 x 40 cm

_mémoire_oublie_ Post Scriptum #02,  Multi-colour monotype, unique print on the back of an antique lithography 60 x 40 cm 

_mémoire_oublie_ Post Scriptum #04,  Multi-colour monotype, unique print on the back of an antique lithography 60 x 40 cm 

No Title, multi-colour Hectography on 19th century notary document, 29.7 x 21cm

Abstract Text, multi-colour Hectography,  29.7 x 21cm

Einstein Project #05,  Mixed technique monotype,  65 x 40 cm

_mémoire_oublie_ Post Scriptum #01,  Multi-colour monotype, unique print on the back of an antique lithography 60 x 40 cm 

_mémoire_oublie_ Post Scriptum #03,  Multi-colour monotype, unique print on the back of an antique lithography 60 x 40 cm 

Asemic writing, multi-colour Hectography, 29.7 x 21cm

Negatie, multi-colour Hectography,  29.7 x 21cm

Abstract Text, Hectography,  29.7 x 21cm

Cosmographie #24,  Mixed technique monotype on the back of a 19th-century lithography,  61 x 43,5 cm 

Einstein Project #02,  Mixed technique monotype on the back of a 19th-century lithography,  61 x 43,5 cm 

Einstein Project #01,  Mixed technique monotype on the back of a 19th-century lithography,  61 x 43,5 cm 

Einstein Project #03,  Mixed technique monotype,  65 x 40 cm 

Cosmographie, #21, 2024

Multi-colour monotype, 

 unique print on a 19th century architectural aquarel 

 44 x 36 cm

Cosmographie, #22, 2024

Multi-colour monotype, 

 unique print on a 19th century architectural aquarel 

38 x 56 cm

Cosmographie, #21, 2024

Multi-colour monotype, 

 unique print on a 19th century architectural aquarel 

55 x 38 cm

Globe, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 

47 x 38 cm.

Cosmographie, #19, 2024

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 

40 x 60 cm

Cosmographie, #20, 2024

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 

57 x 40 cm

Absence, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 

40 x 57 cm.

Notice, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 

40 x 57 cm

29,53059, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 

35 x 39 cm

Cosmographie, Saturne, 2023

Monotype, unique print 

42 x 28 cm 

Untitled asemic writing #03, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 
22 x 30 cm

Cosmographie, Bail, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 

57 x 40 cm

Musique, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 
32,5 x 14 cm 

Untitled asemic writing #01, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 
42 x 28 cm 

Untitled asemic writing #02, 2023

Multi-colour monotype, unique print 
28 x 42 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un Amateur monotypes

Bibliothèque d'un Amateur

Les "Bibliothèque d'un Amateur" sont des monotypes imprimés sur les pages d'un catalogue de vente aux enchères (1962) de livres rares. Les monotypes sont inspirés des titres et des descriptions des livres.

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #31, 2023

Histoires naturelles
Multi-colour monotype on a four pages of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
55 x 44,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #32, 2023

Projet pour une couverture de livre qui n'est pas encore écrite
Multi-colour monotype on a four pages of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
55 x 44,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #33, 2023

Les fables de Homère
Multi-colour monotype on a four pages of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
55 x 44,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #28 , 2023
Chansons pour elle

Multi-colour monotype on a double page of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
28 x 44,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #29 , 2023

Les métamorphoses génétiques
Multi-colour monotype on a double page of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
28 x 44,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #30, 2023

Le Prince
Multi-colour monotype on a four pages of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
55 x 44,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #25 , 2023
Le cabaret de la belle femme

Multi-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #26 , 2023
Rencontre entre Virgil et Dante

Multi-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #27 , 2023
Les avontures de Robinson Crusoé

Multi-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #22 , 2023

Two-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #23 , 2023
Paysage lunaire

Three-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #24 , 2023
Lettre d'amour

Three-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalogue (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #18 , 2023

Asemic writing. 
Three-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #19 , 2023
Asemic writing. 
Three-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #20 , 2023
Asemic writing. 
Three-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #15 , 2023
Asemic writing. 
Three-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #16 , 2023
Asemic writing. 
Three-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #17 , 2023
Asemic writing. 
Three-colour monotype on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #13 , 2023
The book of Job (le livre de Job)
Asemic writing.  
Three-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #14 , 2023
Asemic writing. 
Three-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #21, 2023
L'Annonce faite à Marie

Asemic writing. 
Three-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962) 
28 x 22,5 cm 

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #10, 2023
Asemic writing.
Pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm.

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #11, 2023
Asemic writing.
Pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm.

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #12, 2023
Asemic writing.
Pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm.

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #07, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #08, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #09, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #04, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #05, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)
28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #06, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #01, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)
28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #02, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm

Bibliothèque d'un amateur #03, 2023
Asemic writing.
Two-colour monotype and pencil on a page of a book auction catalog (1962)

28 x 22,5 cm

Miscellaneous drawings and monotypes

Unstable, 2023

Multi-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

Pigeonnier à conserver, Carrelage, 2023

Monochrome monotype over vintage invoice (1965)
27,5 x 21,5 cm
This monotype is a component of an architectural research project.
The monotype is made using hectography (illustration).

Pigeonnier à conserver, Refusé, 2023

3-color monotype over vintage invoice (1965)
21 x 16 cm
This monotype is a component of an architectural research project.
The monotype is made using a mix of two techniques: Carbon Copy and hectography (typewriting).

Pardevant, 2023
Multi-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.

29,5 x 21 cm

Ensuite est écrit, 2023
Two-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.

29,5 x 21 cm

 Rectification, 2023
Multi-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.

29,5 x 21 cm

Cosmographie, monotypes

Cosmographie #10, 2023

Three-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

Cosmographie #11, 2023

Three-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

Cosmographie #07, 2023

Four-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

Cosmographie #08, 2023

Two-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

Cosmographie #09, 2023

Three-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

Cosmographie #04, 2023

Three-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

Cosmographie #05, 2023

Three-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

Cosmographie #06, 2023

Three-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

 Cosmographie #01, 2023

Two-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

 Cosmographie #02, 2023

Two-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

 Cosmographie #03, 2023

Three-color monotype printed on a vintage handwritten French notarial deed.
29,5 x 21 cm

_polarity_duality drawings and monotypes

Coleoptera #01, 2023
Three-color monotype over an original antique gravure 
30 x 19 cm

Coleoptera #02, 2023
Three-color monotype over an original antique gravure 
31.7 x 22.3 cm

Coleoptera #03, 2023
Two-color monotype over an original antique gravure
27.7 x 18 cm


 Coleoptera Janus, 2023. 

 2-color monotype on drawing paper. 
27n5 x 21cm
 Janus beetle is one of the basic symbols of the _polarity_duality_ visual research. 

The five symbols, 2021

Set of 5 unique monotypes over 19th-century engravings. 
36 x 27 cm for each monotype

The Beetle, Twice, 2022

Drawing of the Beetle symbol.
29 x 40 cm
The Beetle symbol is based on a drawing made by a French girl in 1913.
The support of the drawing is a 19th French notarial deed.

The five symbols, large version, 2022

 Limited edition of five monotypes with the symbols printed on the canvas back of 19th survey maps.
24 x 16 cm
Limited edition 2/5

The five sentences by Air Mail, 2022

Limited edition monotype of the five sentences printed on vintage airmail paper.
27,5 x 19 cm
Limited edition 2/20

The five symbols, small version, 2022

 Limited edition of five monotypes with the symbols printed on the canvas back of 19th survey maps.
19 x 12,5 cm
Limited edition 2/7

L'âme gouverne le corps, 2021

Monotype over vintage colour lithograph.
21 x 39 cm
The sentence "Le corps tyrannize l'âme" comes from a 19th-century pupil's notebook. These sentences were repeated by pupils to learn proper writing techniques.

Le corps tyrannise l'âme, 2021

Monotype over vintage colour lithograph
21 x 39 cm
The sentence "Le corps tyrannise l'âme" comes from a 19th-century pupil's notebook. These sentences were repeated by pupils to learn proper writing techniques.

Catéchisme, 2021

One of the most confronting subjects in my research is polarity in the Christian religion. Good and bad, heaven and hell.  For this research I used a copy of "Cathéchisme en images - Adveniat Regnum Tuum" (1912).   I was raised with the catechism...

Chinese inkt on ancient gravure

Study for _body_mind_ 
Based on a etch by René Descartes.
Pencil on old parchment paper.

Chinese inkt on ancient gravure

Page of a typography exercise with stamps 

Page of a typography exercise with stamps 

Page of a typography exercise with stamps 

One of the most confronting subject in my research is polarity in the Christian religion. Good and bad, heaven and hell.  For this research I used a copy of "Cathéchisme en images - Adveniat Regnum Tuum" (1912).   I was raised with the catechism..

In the Christian religion, the catechism designates the instruction of the doctrines of the Christian faith. It often takes the form of an official presentation of the articles of faith, serving as a basic tool for catechesis, which is the set of actions intended to educate children, young people and adults in Christian doctrine. Catechesis is one of the components of the evangelical mission of Christianity.

One of the most confronting subject in my research is polarity in the Christian religion. Good and bad, heaven and hell.  For this research I used a copy of "Cathéchisme en images - Adveniat Regnum Tuum" (1912).   I was raised with the catechism...

One of the most confronting subject in my research is polarity in the Christian religion. Good and bad, heaven and hell.  For this research I used a copy of "Cathéchisme en images - Adveniat Regnum Tuum" (1912).   I was raised with the catechism...

Binary computer code is based on the polarity between the numbers 0 and 1.
Here the 0 and 1 are replaced by stamps of the different symbols on the canvas back of historical maps.

Binary computer code is based on the polarity between the numbers 0 and 1.
Here the 0 and 1 are replaced by stamps of the different symbols on the canvas back of historical maps.

Detail of the binary code project.
Binary computer code is based on the polarity between the numbers 0 and 1.
Here the 0 and 1 are replaced by stamps of the different symbols on the canvas back of historical maps.

3 studies for chaos_order
Watercolour and pencil on drawing paper

Study for chaos_order

Collage, stamps, acryl on ancient paper

Collage, stamps, acryl on ancient paper

Watercolour, Chinese ink and stamp on an old handwritten document

Oil painting on a reproduction

Large collage with paper, wood and oil painting

Detail of the large collage with paper, wood and oil painting

Detail of the large collage with paper, wood and oil painting

Chinese inkt on ancient gravure

Chinese inkt on ancient gravure

All the images, texts, and elements are the property of Xavier Debeerst and can only be used with explicit agreement by the author.  Please respect the efforts and the copyright.
Copyright 2025